On the whole, it has been a smooth road to setting up a website, partly because I chose to use WordPress as a simple content management system as well as blogger software. The remaining problems to finalizing a simple website are not too bad. When I copy up some text from my local emacs to the WordPress textbox using firefox for the transfer, it inserts breaks at end of each line so that the text doesn’t re-format nicely on the website. The real problem comes if I edit it. So I have to go in and remove all the break tags.
But now, I have shell access to my website. I can use the local emacs in a terminal. I can also use tramp or other emacs software to edit files on the website using my local emacs. I can also get to the raw files for my posts — which might be something I don’t want to do. Bottom line, the problems are solvable even if the easy solutions are inefficient.