I’ve uploaded an update to the collection of my weblog writings: Acts of Being: Selected Weblog Writings From 2006 to 2013. Here is the text from the Preface for this new edition:
I’ve added about 70 chapters to this Fourth Edition. These chapters are reformatted essays from my writings during 2012 which were published on my active weblog, Acts of Being. I have included nearly all of the essays I posted other than announcements and a few essays which didn’t seem worth the republishing.
In 2013, I shifted course slightly after publishing the freely downloadable book, A More Exact Understanding of Human Being, which completed a major phase of my efforts to understand human relationships and the formation of the Body of Christ in this mortal realm, a formation not to be completed or perfected on this side of the grave. I began to move toward the closely related issues regarding proper descriptions of human being and its various relationships, including the issue so important in an age in which the `positive’ sciences (including empirical studies of history and literature and so forth) have been so successful: how much can be understood by way of quantity and what is left over to be understood by way of those non-quantitative modes of understanding which often seem to be as necessary as they are ghost-like in recent generations?
I still hope your thinking is stimulated by what you find in this book.